justify 证明。。。正当或有理,正确:Such behavior is justified on these grounds
knit 编织,编结:Shes knitting her husband a sweater
label 标签,标记,标号:put labels on your luggage
lag 走得慢,落后,滞留:Some of the runners began to lag
latent 潜在的',隐伏的,不易觉察的:a latent infection
leak 漏洞,裂缝:The pipe has got a leak
lean 斜,倾斜 the Leaning tower of Pisa
lend 借给,贷款 Could you lend me your car
length 长,长度 What is the length of the street?
liable 会的,有倾向的 We are all liable to make mistakes
liberal 慷慨的,大方的 a liberal donation
light 光,光亮,光线 The house blazed with light
limp 软的,松沓的 a young man in a limp gray sweater
linger逗留,徘徊 The children lingered at the zoo until closing time
long 长的,远的,久的 a long journey
lubricate 使润滑 lubricate the skin with cold cream
lump块,小方块 a lump of coal