crisis - n. an extremely important time when something may become much better or worse; a dangerous situation
criticize- v. to say what is wrong with something or someone; to condemn; to judge
crops - n. plants that are grown and gathered for food, such as grains, fruits and vegetables
cross - v. to go from one side to another; to go across
crowd - n. a large number of people gathered in one place
crush - v. to damage or destroy by great weight; to defeat completely
cry - v. to express or show sorrow or pain
culture - n. all the beliefs, traditions and arts of a group or population
cure - v. to improve health; to make well ; n. something that makes a sick person well
curfew - n. an order to people to stay off the streets or to close their businesses
current - n. movement of air, water or electricity; ad. belonging to the present time
custom - n. a long-established belief or activity of a people
customs - n. taxes on imports
cut - v. to divide or injure with a sharp tool; to make less; to reduce